Do I Need a Baby Monitor for a 2 Year Old?

Do i need a baby monitor for a 2 year old

If you are wondering ‘Do I need a baby monitor for a 2-year-old?’ then there is no straightforward answer here. You can ask several parents and chances are you will get different responses from each of them. In this guide, we will discuss: How to prepare yourself and your baby when you stop using the … Read more

Do I Need a Baby Monitor?

Analog vs Digital Baby Monitor

Many parents-to-be ask themselves this question: Do I need a baby monitor?  In general, baby monitors can be helpful but there are pros and cons involved. There is certainly no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to a baby monitor. This guide will help you decide. In this guide, we put the matter to rest once … Read more

Analog vs Digital Baby Monitor

Analog vs Digital Baby Monitor

Are you thinking of buying a digital baby monitor? Perhaps you want to choose between analog vs Digital Baby Monitor. In any case, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we will discuss: analog vs digital baby monitor – main differences between analog and digital baby monitors Tips to help you decide the … Read more

Are Baby Monitor Temperatures Accurate?

Are baby monitor temperatures accurate?

Many baby monitors come with temperature sensors and yet parents often wonder ‘are baby monitor temperatures accurate?’. It is but natural to have such doubts. After all; you want to know for sure whether the baby’s room is at an optimum temperature. This is important to prevent overheating of the baby, given the fact that … Read more

Is It Safe to Use a Car Baby Monitor?

Is It Safe to Use a Car Baby Monitor?

“Is it safe to use a car baby monitor?” If you plan to drive with your baby, whether for a short distance or over a longer one, this is an important question to consider. This guide will cover: 5 reasons why you need to use a car baby monitor? 6 Features to look for in … Read more

When To Stop Using Baby Monitor?

When To Stop Using Baby Monitor?

Most parents ask the question ‘When to stop using baby monitor?’ when they are confused about when to stop using one.  There is no single answer to this question – some parents stop monitoring their baby once it sleeps through the night, while others continue for a bit longer. In this guide, we will cover: … Read more